Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Civil War Years part 1

I have been away from my blog, not from lack of interest but because it is really hard to know how to start putting this together. I have so much information, but so many holes at the same time. And as with everything else there is so much missinformation. I don't know even the names of the Hills and the Taylors as well as I do the Wrights. And even covering just the Wrights would be a career move. Weitzal had six brothers and two sisters. So that is seven boys who probably all had war records. In addition to being in the civil war, a lot of them spent some time on each side. Weitzal, Aaron W, and Jasper (maybe Neil or A. for middle name) all enlisted in 50th Regiment, Virginia Infantry; Solomon H. and William Bailey Wright both enlisted in the 21st Regiment, Virginia Cavalry. Both of these regiments were Confederate Units. I don't know if John B and Thomas was in the Confederacy at all. There was almost 100 John Wrights in Virginia regiments alone but only 28 Thomases. And just because 5 of the brothers started on the confederate side it does not mean that they all did. I know both Jasper and Weitzal enlisted in the Union Army. I know that Jasper fought at Fort Donalson, a Confederacy disaster. Every may was either killed, wounded or captured. Jasper was wounded, hospitalized and released. A lot of what I know, but by no means all, of their war record came from the book "Between Brothers: Civil War Soldiers of Wise and Dickenson County"  by Lillian Gobble and Rhonda Roberston. It is also very flawed but there are accounts I like to believe are true. They quoted... to be continued.

1 comment:

  1. Just like our family to not know which side they are on.
