Sunday, August 8, 2010


My name is Korolyn Kay Killin Pogue. I was born in 1955 in Republic WA. Weitzal Avery Wright and Sarah Taylor Wright were my great great grandparents; their daughter Clara Wright was my great grandmother. She married Charles Wilson Carr. They built a home in Hillyard WA, he was a machinist for the railroad. Their daughter, Marita Lenore Carr Killin was my grandmother. She is pictured above, on June 17, 1975 on her 82nd birthday (she was born in 1893). The picture was taken at the Good Samaritan assisted living center in Green Acres, WA. My grandmother is the lovely lady in the lavender shirt, I am standing up and my uncle Charles George Killin (born in 1914) is holding my daughter Sara Denise Pogue now Thompson, born in 1974. A little family trivia: My uncle and aunt (Jane Pratt Killin)'s oldest son was named Charles Carr Killin the 3rd. His father was Charles George, not Charles Carr even though you will find his name as Charles Carr in places. His father was Joseph Record Killin, it was his uncle, brother of his father that was Charles. And Carr was his mother's maiden name so at best his son could have been a Jr. It was not possible for him to be a third. No wonder genealogy is so hard.

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